LC17 & RT117 Charity Poker

February 12th

18.00 GMT+1


Welcome to this year’s edition of 117’s classic meeting Poker which in 2021 will take place digitally and the winnings will go to charity. Unlike previous years, the main focus will be on gaming, but we will also offer crazy features and weird prizes that will be presented during the game via zoom! Co-organizer this year is LC 17 Linköping.

Tournament information

  • No Limit Texas Hold’em
  • Buy In: $5.50 + unlimited rebuys 1 add-on
  • Late registration/Rebuy period: 30min
  • Players per table: max 9
  • Starting stack: 5000
  • Format: Turbo (5min blind-levels)
  • Breaks: 5 min every hour

Price 300 SEK /30 EUR

  • 50 SEK is registration fees and make up the prize pool at Pokerstars.
  • 230 SEK of the price will go to charity.
    • 50 % to local charity
    • 50 % to charity of choice by the top winner(s).
  • 20 SEK  will go to buying weird shit to ensure shenanigans during the game ??

Dress code

Is there such a thing during a pandemic? Black tie? Sweat pants. Viking horns and tattoos?
Some clothes would be nice. Really appreciated. From the belt and up at least.



Of the 230 SEK you send to the clubs 100 percent will go to charity. The clubs will furthermore make no profit from the tournament. Every penny will go to  charity.

  • 50 % of the charity will be donated by the winner of the tournament to a organisation of the winners choosing.
  • 50% goes to Novahuset in Linköping.

Novahuset is a non-profit association that offers support and advice to people who have been subjected to some form of sexual abuse, regardless of whether the abuse took place online or offline. They also work preventively and offer workshops and lectures in school classes and train professionals, such as school and care staff.


Registration is open

Registrations is not fulfilled until payment is completed in full. We accept payment by Swish and international payments via IBAN/BIC.

    Name (required)

    Email (required)


    Phone number (required)
    If you pay with Swish, please provide your Swish connected phone number.
    This is basically your ticket! For international guest just enter random numbers. Go nuts!

    Where do you live? It might help your case in getting the full Punk Drunk Poker home hosting treatment.

    Any wierd allergies that might kill, or seriously hurt you or mayhaps you are one of those vegan fellas? Let us know and we'll try not to kill you buddy.

    I am fine with GDPR and all of that. My enclosed information may and shall be used to ensure I can play poker and possibly, but not likely, win. Then the same information shall be deleted forever. Amen

    Please check in your spam/trash for the registration email!

    Registered players

    This form only shows interested players who registered through the form. Hopefully we all see each other at the tables.

    [cfdb-datatable form=”pokern 16″ show=”your-name,menu-119″ permissionmsg=”true” role=”Anyone” header=”false” class=”cf7-table”]